
Showing posts from October, 2020

Socialism, Modernism and the New Age: The Act of Social Justice

Although in everyday usage social justice is a rather vague term (and a compliment or pejorative, depending on who is speaking), there is actually a well-developed body of thought on social justice within the framework of the philosophy of Aristotle and Aquinas:

Socialism, Modernism and the New Age: Saving Solidarism

The problem with trying to get a handle on solidarism these days is that few people who consider themselves solidarists are aware of the history of solidarism.   Without that basic knowledge of how solidarist thought developed, however, it is often impossible to discern “true” solidarism as (re)developed by Heinrich Pesch, from the other schools and distortions:

Socialism, Modernism, and the New Age: The Passion of G.K. Chesterton

Perhaps not surprisingly, today’s video on G.K. Chesterton has proved to be one of our most popular.   Why?   Perhaps it has to do with our rather heterodox position on Chesterton and his life’s work.   We think, for example, that he was not a socialist or a capitalist, but an advocate in somewhat limited form of what we today call the Just Third Way of Economic Personalism.   It doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue as trippingly as the same old things, but judge for yourself:

The Economic Democracy Act

Today we have the second part of a talk by Dr. Norman Kurland, president of the interfaith Center for Economic and Social Justice, on the "Economic Democracy Act" (formerly the "Capital Homestead Act").  The presentation is a good summary of how to apply the Just Third Way of Economic Personalism, which is also the subject of an upcoming book from Justice University Press: